<span>The role of Monroe Doctrine in the history of the United States of America. ... and for the Western Hemisphere had been launched before Monroe's address to ... In July, 1823, Adams made hisconcerns known to Russian minister in Washington. .... we have never taken any part, nor does it comport with our policy so to do.</span><span>
Onate sent his nephew and a few other men to go to Acoma Pueblo. When they got there, Onate's nephew named Zaldivar was killed, along with most of the other men that he had with him. When the few men that survived got back to spain, they told Onate what had happened. Onate was furious and sad. He said that the Acoma people had basically started a war and to show no mercy to them. So he sent 70 - 90 soldiers and Zaldivar's brother to the Acoma Pueblo to get revenge. They killed most of the Acoma people, and the rest of them they brought back to Onate. Onate said that all of the left over Acoma people were guilty, even the little kids. Men over the age of 25 had to have there right foot cut off, and 25 years of slavery. The men 12 to 25 years old spent 20 years in slavery. Women over the age of 12 spent 20 years in slavery. And younger girls and kids were sent to Mexico to become slaves in convents. The children that went to Mexico were never heard from again.
I put this is for my answer in edgenuity and got it right. Good Luck! :)
Tourism and Restaurant career cluster.
Tourism which is an age long profession engaged by many companies tries to ensure that, the relics of the ancient civilizations are shown to the tourist inorder to bring the experience of those times closer to them.
<em>Most times, the people who engages in such commonly known as travel agent arranges for touristic visitations only with the tourist left to cater for his or lodging (accomodation) and feeding while at that particular place. However, in a situation whereby the airfare from the tourist's place of residence to the tourist's country of visit, the lodging and feeding is inculcated into the tourist package, such arragement is mostly done to ease the stress of the tourists.</em>
<em> The industries that offer such complete package is collectively known as Tourism and Restaurant career cluster. The travel agent enters into partnership with the various sectors inorder to achieve this vacation arragement.</em>