The Danes slept far from the hall to avoid Grendel.
The rising action is when he acadently killed the stranger
Chapter 7
Papá has died, and Mate is scandalized that his other family showed up at the funeral. Mate dreams that she is looking into her dad's coffin, and she starts pulling pieces of a dress out of it until she gets to the bottom, when she sees her father. She wakes up screaming and wakes everyone up.
Chapter 8
Patria cares for Minerva's six-month old, Manolito, while Minerva is on the road, working with the resistance. Minerva and Manolo visit every week, and meet with others on Patria and Pedrito's property. Nelson, Patria discovers, is privy to the secret meetings.
This question refers to the short story "The Talking Skull".
Answer and Explanation:
<u>In "The Talking Skull - A Fable from Cameroon" by Donna L. Washington, the theme concerns how thinking too highly of yourself and talking too much can bring you trouble. The author uses the character of the talking skull to teach that lesson</u>. The skull is found by a man who considers himself a scholar and who talks and talks about things that are only important to him, but that no one else wants to hear. <u>When he asks the skull "What brought you here, brother?" or, in other words, what caused its death, the skull immediately replies, "Talking."</u>
The man does not pay attention to what the skull is saying. He only cares about the fact that its talking. <u>The skull makes it clear that not everything is worth saying</u>, but the man does not listen. He tries to make the skull talk in front of the villagers, but no avail. He is finally thrown out by them since they are tired of his ideas and talks. The skull once more talks, only to remind the man that not everything is worth saying.