So I am able to print my math notes and keep up in geometry.
Smtp : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
In Javascript, you can accept an input value by using the prompt() function and saving the input into a variable. In the following lines of code, I have declared the three variables at the beginning and then prompted the user to enter a value for each and saved the values in the correct variables. In Javascript length is a keyword so I used len instead.
let base, height, len;
base = prompt("Enter Base value: ");
height = prompt("Enter Height value: ");
len = prompt("Enter Length value: ");
The first challenge is that there is not electric conection.So the computer won't be able to function.Also there will be noone who will be able to use it due to the lack of education.Plus there will not be internet connection , limitting the abilities of the computer to the very basics.In addition there will not be any tools or spare parts in order to fix a computer.Finally even if thete were spare parts there woul not be someone able to gix the computer.
I hop I was helpful.Let me know if you need anything else.