Adaptive immune responses are triggered by activation of antigen-specific T cells that produce antibodies against foreign antigens such as, for example, harmful viruses. These immune responses are useful to eliminate dangerous molecules from the body. In a normal immune reaction, the antibodies produced by T-cells target antigen molecules in order to be subsequently absorbed by phagocytic macrophage cells.
Autoimmune diseases are triggered by the response of the adaptive immune system against self-antigen molecules. Since the immune system can not eliminate antigens from the own body, this immune reaction generates an excessive inflammatory response, and it may lead to the damage of tissues and organs.
Touching, Smelling.
Touching will be useful to detect stimuli like coldness and hotness.
Smelling on the other hand will help to make observations on smell and change in smell. These two are among the five senses that we use to make observations as we record what we see, hear, touch and feel, smell and taste.
Los pulmones y el sistema respiratorio permiten la entrada del oxígeno del aire en el organismo, así como la expulsión de dióxido de carbono al espirar. La respiración es el término que se utiliza para denominar el intercambio de oxígeno procedente del entorno por el dióxido de carbono que se produce en las células.
heyyy i dont understand what ur asking