(2) 4%
The portfolio is considered to be less risky if its volatility is low. The higher standard deviation the more risky is the project. For Duke Energy and Microsoft the investment portfolio required is risk free investment. To calculate the risk free rate we calculate using the formula;
Var Rp = x1 2Var R1 + x2 2Var R2 +2 x1 x2 Corr (R1, R2) SD1 SD2
Var Rp = 0.14 + 0.44 + 2 (1) * (-1) * 6% * 24%
Solving for this we get the risk free investment at 4%.
C. <u>not valid because performance depends on Parsley's personal skills</u>
A valid contract refers to an agreement entered into by parties which legally binds both parties and is enforceable under the law.
For a contract to be termed as valid, it must be performed by the parties to it.
Performance clause in a valid contract refers to doing or acting in a way as is required by the terms of the contract.
In the given case, Parsley signed a contract to provide services i.e provide French cooking lessons to Curry. Later, Parsley wants to transfer his duties to Relish.
The transfer will not be valid since the performance i.e service to be provided by Parsley are of personal nature and the consideration is based upon that. No two individuals can provide exact services.
The rate of return required by investors in the market for owning a bond is called the <u>Yield to </u><u>maturity</u>
A bond's coupon rate is the rate it pays each year, and yield is the return it makes. A bond's coupon is expressed as a percentage of its face value. Face value is simply the face value of the bond or the value of the bond as quoted by the issuer.
A bond's current yield is the annual income from the investment, including interest and dividend payments, divided by the security's current price. Yield to maturity (YTM) is the expected total return from holding a bond to maturity.
The current yield is the annual rate of return on investment (interest or dividend) divided by the security's current price. This indicator looks at the current price of a bond rather than its face value.
Learn more about maturity here
Develop project management plan
Project integration management is the coordination of all aspects of a project. It involves coordination of the following: tasks, stakeholders, resources, along with any issues arising from parties in the project, evaluating resources, and making choices between different lines of action.
So developing a project management plan is a process that fall under integration management as defined.
The Securities Act of 1933 requires the registration of all the securities issued and sold ob public markets. This act had some exemptions:
- private offerings (if the securities were offered to a certain group of persons and/or institutions)
- offerings of a limited size: a very small issuance would be excluded, but remember that $5 million of 1933 are equivalent to more than $98 million today (average annual inflation of 3.48%)
- securities issued by government entities
- securities issued on intrastate offerings (only traded within a given state)