b. False
Difficult economic times, increased global competition, demand for customization, and increased consumer sophistication does not direct companies to hire more employees and outsource middle managers.
Rather, companies tend to invest new technologies, information systems to satisfy the needs in global competition, consumer sophistication and customization.
Middle managers outsourced cannot deal these issues effectively, therefore they need to be company employees.
In difficult economic times, companies does not want to hire extra employees because of increased cost.
Year = 1972
current year = 2021
while year <= current year:
print (year)
year = year + 4
Click in the Criteria row in the InsuranceType column and type [Enter Insurance Type]. Click the Run button. Type dental when prompted. Click OK.
public static void init(int[] arr, int n) {
if (n==0)
arr[0] = 0;
else {
arr[n-1] = n - 1;
init(arr, n-1);
Create a method called init that takes two parameters, an array and the number of elements in the array
When n reaches 0, set the first element to 0 (This is a base for our recursive method)
Otherwise, set the element in index i to i
Call the init inside the init, this is the recursion part, with same array but decrease the number of elements by 1 (We decrease the number of element by 1 in each time so that it goes through all the elements in the array)