If those predators have babies they are prey to other predators. Plus, more and more prey are being born...
The muscles of the eye cover a greater number and in turn carry out greater fine motor skills.
Alpha motor neurons are neurons that invent the skeletal muscle, that is, striated, so that through the motor plate that is the unit that unites them, an action potential is transmitted that contracts the sarcomeros of the elastic fibers and the z lines. come closer, each eye movement is much more precise than the locomotion of the lower limb, which carries greater innervation in each muscle bundle due to the specificity of the movement, this is how more alpha motor neurons are required to mobilize the eye than a leg.
DNA polymerases add nucleotides to the 3′ end of a polynucleotide chain. ... To initiate this reaction, DNA polymerases require a primer with a free 3′-hydroxyl group already base-paired to the template. They cannot start from scratch by adding nucleotides to a free single-stranded DNA template.
How is DNA replicated? Replication occurs in three major steps: the opening of the double helix and separation of the DNA strands, the priming of the template strand, and the assembly of the new DNA segment. During separation, the two strands of the DNA double helix uncoil at a specific location called the origin.
1. receoptors in her toe receive stimuli
2.her sensory neurone generates an impulse.
3. interneurones relay the impulse to motor neurons in spinal cord.
4. motor neurone signal the leg muscles
5. she immediately moves her foot
The Answer fam is The First Graph, On me