It assist organism in releasing carbon dioxide
All animals share a common ancestor.
All living organisms including animals have evolved from common ancestral organism. It is evident from various researches in relation evolutionary diversification of species. The process by which numerous variety of species are formed from a common ancestor is known as speciation. The attached diagram showing the phylogeny tree of life is a solid evidence of common ancestral origin of life.
1.fungi, 2.fungi 3.monera 4.fungi 5. protista 6. animalia
since, yeast is a fungus , penicilium and mushroom (agaricus) also fall under this catergory due to the <em>presence of mysceliom and hyphae.</em>
rizobium is a <em>bacteria</em> so falls under the kingdom monera
amoeba has <em>locamotory organs</em> hence is a part of the protista kingdom
while , fish is <em>an animal</em> and thus belong to animalia