That would be B. Each tRNA is attached to a particular aminoacid.
tRNA is single stranded and has sequences of 3 nucleotides called anticodons.
Autosomal Recessive: Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell Anemia, Tay-Sachs Disease. We inherit genes from our biological parents in specific ways. One of the ways is called autosomal recessive inheritance.
got it from google hope it help
Being born with the genes, and evolving to reach food easier
Maybe, IDK Tbh XD
1. Many varieties were available in alternative forms of a character
2. Varieties were available in pure from start please true that is produced the same type of generation after generation
3. Peace and normally self pollinated but self pollination could be prevented by removing corresponding a productive path main parts demons and female bad kapil's after flour and could as well be crossed
pollinated artificially