A tornado happens when you mix cold with hot
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A table in excel is responsible for keeping track of numerical data.
Meaning information in the form of numbers.
NOT appropriate to use for affirmations in Full Verbatim are :
d) Mm
e) Ammm
f) Aha
- In verbatim transcription, interviews are transcribed word for word, and sound for sound. Every um, uh, laugh, and sound must be recorded for posterity.
These are the preferred spellings of typical utterances:
Affirmative: uh-huh, mm-hmm, yeah.
- Don't use: um-hum, um-hmm, uh-hum
- Full verbatim refers to a transcript that includes absolutely everything that is said, exactly how the speakers say it. This means we include all ums, uhs, grammatical and vocabulary mistakes, false starts and repetitions - everything.
- Verbatim is defined as an exact repetition without changing the words. An example of verbatim is when you quote someone exactly without changing anything.