The correct answers are the following:
4) A special power delegated only to the Senate is C) ratification of all treaties and Presidential appointments. It has the power to approve by two-thirds vote treaties made by the executive branch. The Senate can also approve or reject presidential appointees to the other branches.
5) The pimary goal of political parties is B) to get their candidates elected. Parties join people with similar political interests and their goal is to get their candidate elected in order to influence in the government and politics.
6) The Supreme Court of the United States is mainly an appellate court, meaning D) it hears a case after another court has ruled on the case. According to the United States Supreme Court Procedures, the Appellate jurisdiction means that the Supreme Court has the authority to review cases and decisions of lower courts, , so most of the cases it hears are appeals from lower courts.
7)The American political party system is a D) two-party system. Though there are third parties, the do not have the power and influence of the two major parties. For most of the US history, the Democratic and Republican parties have competed for office.
8)The Florida Constitution has 12 B) Articles, while the U.S. Constitution has only 7. This speaks for itself. The US constitution has 7 articles and 27 amendments.