Implement the simulation of a biased 6-sided die which takes the values 1,2,3,4,5,6 with probabilities 1/8,1/12,1/8,1/12,1/12,1/
see explaination
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
prob = [1.0/8.0, 1.0/12.0, 1.0/8.0, 1.0/12.0, 1.0/12.0, 1.0/2.0]
smls = 1000000
rolls = list(np.random.choice(a, smls, p=prob))
counts = [rolls.count(i) for i in a]
prob_exper = [float(counts[i])/1000000.0 for i in range(6)]
print("\nProbabilities from experiment : \n\n", prob_exper, end = "\n\n")
plt.title("Histogram with counts")
check attachment output and histogram
Acid rain can cause serious problems for many different animals and plants. As a result, the entire food web is affected. For example, acid rain can cause phytoplankton in lakes to die. Insects, which rely on phytoplankton for food, now have less food to eat, and they begin to die as a result.
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