All three of A, B and C are required to harden a host. Thus, All of the above makes the best option.
Hardening simply refers to making your data impossible to be penetrated. More like bulletproof.
To do this, ensure measures like
- Regular Program cleanup
- Patches management
- service pack installation
- service or usage policies
...among others.
3. 8.1
Looking at the functions "average", and "mystery" it's pretty obvious that "average" returns a double precision average of the value of an integer array. The function "mystery" returns an array of integers with each value in the array being the length of the string in the array of strings passed to "mystery" in the same ordinal position.
The main body of the code initializes an array of strings and then passes that array to "mystery" who's output is then passed into the function "average". Since the lengths of the words passed to "mystery" is 7, 5, 6, 10, 10, 8, 13, 6, 8, 8, the sum will be 81, so the average will be 81/10 = 8.1 which matches option "3".
You should probably retry answering it. Or two people are already answering it.
Well the nonchalant question given for 4th grade red named babyface Justin and Jerome
A medida que crece un árbol, la mayoría de las células de madera se alinean con el eje del tronco, la rama o la raíz. Estas células están compuestas por haces largos y delgados de fibras, aproximadamente 100 veces más largas que anchas. Esto es lo que le da a la madera su dirección de grano.
La madera es más fuerte en la dirección paralela al grano. Debido a esto, las propiedades de resistencia y rigidez de los paneles estructurales de madera son mayores en la dirección paralela al eje de resistencia que perpendicular a él