Faber gives Montag an address to Fabers house at the end of the meeting
Even if every step seems difficult, you should keep trying, for the best things are worth fighting for.
Compound sentence
I did my very best to write a good cover letter, and I finally sent my application to my favorite company for review.
Complex sentence
Whenever the rain falls, I remember how important the simple things are, and I feel glad to be where I am.
A compound sentence is a sentence which contains more than one independent clause which is linked by either a comma, a conjunction or a semicolon.
A complex sentence is a sentence which has at least one independent clause and a dependent clause.
A compound-complex sentence is a type of sentence which has at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.
<span>I think its the first one. It talks about the struggle of not knowing their own children. 1.The long deployment has been very difficult on those who serve their country. </span>
Thanks for reminding us, even if incompletely.
Did you have a question to ask ?
in need of care ,in need of love, in need of accompany,