"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -- "Strength to Love," 1963. I chose this quote because its sentimental to me. In life we tend to struggle and sometimes we give up on things. This quote tells a story in only a couple sentences, the meaning in my opinion is no matter what we have to face; were able to get through it. We'll overcome any challenging barriers. Ive been through tough times but that didnt stop me.In the end theres always a positive outcome even if it feels theres nothing good about a situation, it turns out okay in the end.
In William Shakespeare’s Act 5 Scene 3 of Macbeth, a complete different side of Macbeth is revealed. In the beginning of the play Macbeth is a man who cannot even stand up for himself, and a man who completely relies on his wife to make major decisions. Then the very next day Macbeth becomes a man who murder, the king Duncan, and then two servants, and later his best friend Banquo.
What are the options? Need to see the poem or options to answer this.
a magazine or newspaper published at regular intervals.