It led to rapid expansion
Manifest destiny is the belief that Americans were destined to expand across North America.
The individual lives and acts within society but society is nothing, in spite of the combination of individuals for cooperative effort. On the other hand, society exists to serve individuals—not the other way around. Human life and society almost go together.
Locke's Second Treatise on Civil Government.
Locke quarreled for the belief that the individuals are conclusively the reference of powers in supervising, Thus the individual also has the freedom to dismount a party that is not suitably accepting the nation's people. John Locke was discussing the concept of a "social contract." According to his opinion, a government's capability to administer by the permission of the people. This was a transition from the unfounded beliefs of "divine right monarchy" that a king governed because Lord designated him to be the leader. Locke discarded the acceptance of the spiritual right government in his First Treatise on Civil Government. In his Second Treatise on Civil Government, Locke contended for the benefits of the people to organize their ministries according to their wishes and to protect their personal life, education, and resources.
The Mere Exposure Effect
This effect is when a person is sublimely exposed to objects or other people. This causes them to begin to associate them positively in their mind, even if the person does not consciously realize the person is there.
<u>Socialization is the lifelong process through which people learn the values and norms of a given society. Early birthday parties can socialize children to understand the significance of birthdays and teach them to associate sweets and gifts with birthdays. (</u>