Answer:Obedecer a tus padres y no aserlos enojar y demostrarles que los amas mucho!
Explanation: Los padres son los mejores pero Dios quiere que los aprecies y los ames y que les obedecemos.
The Continental Congress commissioned Him
People were concerned about what groups were influencing politicians through their contributions.
Most nations that discuss the issue of Palestinian independence call for a "two state solution", meaning that the Jews and the Arabs would have separate states in the region.
During the second Virginia Convention at St. John´s Church in Richmond in 1775, Patrick Henry, an American attorney and orator, gave a speech saying the words “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death”, with these words he was encouraging people to defend themselves from Great Britain. If people wanted liberty they will have to fight for it, during the fight you might die but life without liberty have no sense so give me liberty or give me death.