Many people would love to be healthy, but it’s so hard for some people to get into the habit of eating nutritious foods. This is because while many teenagers are growing, they don’t have information on why they should eat healthy foods and what their benefits are. These teens grow up and have no information on staying healthy and end up having very bad habits. This is why the teen center should offer nutrition classes because they would help young adults establish a routine of healthy eating.
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Teenagers who take nutrition classes will have healthy eating habits in the future. According to the Center for Health and Wellness, teens and young adults who receive nutrition education are 65 percent more likely to carry healthy habits into adulthood. Though it may seem pointless, health is a very important factor in life and needs to be taken seriously.
All in all, young adults need a healthy eating routine and therefore the teen center should off nutrition classes to help shape the growing minds of teenagers. Teenagers who take classes like these will benefit themselves in the future as they are much more likely to keep these healthy habits they learned. Societies health as a whole needs to be improved little by little, and it can start now.
It was dark, and the only thing I hear was screaming. The sound was as loud as bombs, but less dangerous. The ground was soaked in blood of all my fellow Jews, some begged for mercy but none came. Then we see our salvation, we saw angels coming to save us, angels in the form of American soldiers, our allies were here to save us.
I took the test it is that soaps bind to materials and are then washed away.
What is the meaning of Connotation
in this excerpt the candle symbolizes Ivan Illyich's approaching death.
is thinking about his death and what will happen to him afterwards.
This is reflected in the candle falling to the floor. Because once there
was light from the candle, and since it falls that light is no more.
The burning out of the candle symbolizes death