A _comparison_ operator, such as the greater than or less than symbol, can be used in a query criterion to limits the results produced by the query
Optical system. An overhead projector works on the same principle as a slide projector, in which a focusing lens projects light from an illuminated slide onto a projection screen where a real image is formed.
(b) network
The Network Layer is the OSI Model's third layer. It is in charge of packet transport from source to destination or host to host across various networks. The layer receives data from the transport layer, adds a header to it, and sends it to the data link layer.
Look up on google a software that can do it for you. Doing it through a pre-made software is about the only way to do it most computers won't allow you to.
border: 5px solid lightgreen;
The shorthand version of the border property in CSS goes as follows:
border: <line-width> <line-style> <color>;
With <line-width> represents the thicknes of the border line (expressed in keyword values or lenght values), <line-style> represents the style of the border, and <color> represents the color of the border (in color names or values).