Japan agreed to Commodore Perry's trade treaty because of the military threat. Japan was well aware that they were faced by an adversary who had a stronger military than Japan and so they had to bow down to the wishes of Commodore Perry. It did not matter whether Japan liked it or not, they had no other alternative.
D. Harvard "Tastes, Ties, and Time (t-3)" study (2006-2009)" study
In 2006, Harvard conduct a (t-3) study that gains popularity. It was a Face-book study that plays with your emotions. This study doesn't share the mood manipulation which unsettled many of the users. It is a good example of social data is always murky and study themselves is completely creepy. In this study, the researcher collects the data without informed consent of objects throughout the data verse network.
Answer: majority coalition system
Inflation is the rise of prices. The one that makes the most sense is the first one.