Your first order of business is finding out exactly how much you’re spending each month. Do this by consulting your bank statements, receipts and financial files. Because some expenses are intermittent, such as insurance payments, you’ll get the most accurate financial picture if you calculate an average for six months to a year. Add up everything you spent for the last six to 12 months and then divide by the amount of months, which will give you your average monthly expenses.
Remember that being thorough when you add up expenses is important in creating a realistic budget. A forgotten bill really throws a wrench into your savings plan. When calculating your expenses, also factor in unexpected bills, such as unplanned car repairs. A good rule of thumb is to add an extra 10 percent to 15 percent. So if you’ve determined that you spend $1,500 a month, add $150 to $225.
A decrease in the inventory account during the year should be reported on the statement of cash flows as in financing activities as a use of funds.
What is in a cash flow statement?
On the cash flow statement, the entire amount of cash and cash equivalents that enter and exit a business are displayed. The CFS focuses on a company's ability to manage its cash, particularly how successfully it produces cash flow. The income statement and balance sheet both receive information from this financial statement.
What is financing activities in cash flow statement?
The cash flow statement's financing activity describes a company's capacity to raise capital and return it to investors via capital markets. The issuance and sale of additional shares of stock, as well as the growth, addition, and modification of existing debt, are also included in these acts. This list also includes dividend payments made in cash.
Learn more about cash flow statement:
The computation of Product X’s sales value at the split-off point is shown below:
= Total sales value - Product Y sales value at the split-off point - Product Z sales value at the split-off point
= $600,000 - $150,000 - $110,000
= $340,000
Basically for determining the Product X sales value at the split-off point, we deduct the Product Y sales value and the Product Z sales value at the split-off point from the total sales value
correct option is a $0
given data
Acquisition value = $52,000,000
Fair value assets = $48,000,000
to find out
What is the annual amortization of goodwill for this acquisition
we know that annual amortization of goodwill on a straight line basis over 40 years before 2001
and FASB also issue statement about that it does not allow automatic amortization of goodwill
so it will be zero here as goodwill is not amortized here
so correct option is correct option is a $0