In order to find the answer to this question, you need to multiply the fractions. But before we do that, we need to turn the mixed fraction into a proper fraction. 1 3/4 would turn into 7/4 because you multiply the denominator by the whole number and add the numerator. So we come out with:
7/4 x 3/1 = 21/4
Can we simplify 21/4? No, we can't. However, we need to turn it back into a mixed fraction. We can do that by actually dividing the numbers. 21 divided by 4 is 5 with a remainder of 1, so we come out with our answer.
The mom is 5 1/4 feet tall :) Hope this helps!
All given options are incorrect ..
As no one is the equation of a circle
I'm assuming you're looking to find the expanded form of the number?
This number is in scientific notation. The easiest way to convert it to a normal number is to move the decimal place 14 to the right. I've attached a picture showing how to do this. You should get 630,000,000,000,000
There's a faster way to do this - notice that you need to move the decimal 14 to the right, and there's one number already after the decimal place. Therefore, 13 places will be filled with zeros. So, just write out 63 and add 13 zeros.
For more general help on scientific notation, check out these videos:
Hope that helps! Feel free to message me or leave a comment if I can clarify anything :)
Step-by-step explanation: