Alveoli are part of the reparation system found in the lungs. They are covered in capillaries. In Alveoli, oxygen diffuses from the air into the blood vessels surrounding the alveoli and carbon dioxide from the body diffuses from blood into the alveoli’s air spaces. Alveoli clump together and form sacs.
An element is a material that consists of a single type of atom. which Each atom type contains the same number of protons. the Chemical bonds link elements together to form more complex molecules called compounds. A compound consists of two or more types of elements held together by covalent or ionic bonds.
Solar flare
They are characterized by coronal mass ejections on the sun's surface. The ejected ionized particles if thrown in the direction of the earth will cause bright aurora as they colide with the earth’s ionosphere and magnetic field. These solar storms can also affect telecommunications satellites and also electricity grid systems.