The answer (supposing that it is a metal pot) is:
b) conduction
because of the heat being conducted through the entire pot and spreading into the handle ❤
Actually a living thing is not a system. Every part of our body, like our lungs brain or heart, can be seen as a separate system. Therefore we are giant arrays of systems working together to keep you alive
The earth moves two ways. It spins and it moves around the sun. The spinning of the earth is called rotation. It takes the earth abut 24 hours, or one day, to make one complete rotation.
The earth moves two ways. It spins and it moves around the sun. The spinning of the earth is called rotation. It takes the earth abut 24 hours, or one day, to make one complete rotation.
Tap Root. Plants with a tap root system have a large dominant central root where other lateral roots sprout. These lateral roots are called secondary roots. Examples of plants with taproot system are: sugar beet, parsnip, carrots, radish, dandelion and beetroot.