1) She must change her eating habits
- Quit to junk food
- Limit the intake of chocolate
- Include vegetables in her meals
- Create a diet with limited calories, with healthy food, inlcuding some of her favorite snacks (not junk food)
- Include carbs, proteins, fat and limited sugar.
- Count calories
2) She must icrease the exercise
- The goal is to exercise moderately during 150 minutes per week
- For example: more walk, climbing stairs, going to the park, do some sport., dance, etc.
-The exercise must no be vigorous, just moderate. The intensity may increase in steps of 10%, every two weeks.
3) Psicolological help
- Self-motivation
- Family and friends support
- Measure her weight frequently
- Go to a psicology if it is necessary
- Reward herself for short accomplishments
The circulatory and respiratory system are connected at the lungs. The circulatory needs oxygen form the lungs to pump the blood around the body and the respiratory system supplies the oxygen and gets the oxygen from the air into your bloodstream.Sep 23, 2013
When a child is choking and can't breathe or speak, you MUST give abdominal thrusts (the Heimlich maneuver). The Heimlich maneuver pushes air from the child's lungs which helps to remove the blocking object. You should give abdominal thrusts until the object is forced out or the victim becomes unresponsive.
<span> Quadriceps should be one.</span>
In March 2010, Congress passed Obamacare, substantially altering the nation's health care system.
Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), <em>was a government funded health care that was made available to the general public, and provided subsidies and patient care in hospitals</em>. Most of ACA was repealed during the Trump Presidency and replaced by the American Health Care Act, which simply <em>changed which individuals or organizations can receive what kind of benefits</em>.
Learn more about Obamacare, here: