Lodge sabotaged the League covenant by declaring the United States exempt from Article X. He attached reservations, or amendments, to the treaty to this effect. Wilson, bedridden from a debilitating stroke, was unable to accept these changes. He asked Senate Democrats to vote against the Treaty of Versailles unless the Lodge reservations were dropped. Neither side budged, and the treaty went down to defeat.
The civil rights movement was a struggle for justice and equality for African Among its leaders were Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, the Little Rock By the mid-20th century, African Americans had had more than enough of They, along with many whites, mobilized and began an unprecedented fight The use of non-violent public protests and the advocacy of legal changes by the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s influenced the protest methods of other groups in American society.These techniques included public protests, sit-ins, boycotts, and other forms of non-violence.
<span>Alexander Palmer justified the Palmer Raids of 1919 and 1920 when Palmer warned of an imminent communist takeover.
A raid done on the Union of Russian Workers headquarters on November 25, 1919 uncovered a bombed factory hidden behind a false wall. This discovery lend credence to the threat of communist takeover.