When Nixon resigned, "Gerald Ford" became president, since Nixon and his administration had been irreversibly tarnished from the Watergate Scandal. Ford was actually the only President who was never elected as either Vice President or President.
Answer: The government is a group or type of organization that is charged of a certain state. Since countries have many wide territories, they need to be split and looked after. This is why there is governments. Each different government takes care of each state a country occupies. You can't just have the President rule over the whole country, that's why we have governments to help out.
The Treaty of Versailles that formally ended World War One, imposed reparations of 132 billion gold marks on Germany. The payments had to be made mainly to France and Britain. The amount was exorbitant and the German economy was so troubled in the 1920s that it could not pay those reparations.
The real answer is precedent
To set a precedent is to set a standard, it can be seen as example, but it is a bit different.
The troops fire on the protesters at Tiananmen Square because:
The corruption of the Communist Party was a main issue. The control of the economy was working badly. The country was poor, and city dwellers got the worst of it.