- Peripheral devices
Peripheral devices are defined as computer devices which are not the element of the essential/basic computer function. These devices can be internal as well as external and are primarily connected to the computer for entering or getting information from the computer. For example, the keyboards or mouse functions to enter data into the computer for processing and receiving information while the output devices like speakers, projectors, printers, etc. are used to get the information out of the computer.
They may invade privacy rights of air space and be used for other unintended acts such a bombings and espionage
A peer-to-peer network is one in which two or more PCs share files and access to devices such as printers without requiring a separate server computer or server software. ... A P2P network can be an ad hoc connection—a couple of computers connected via a Universal Serial Bus to transfer files.
A. 2
The food function in the C source code uses two for loop statements to fill and array of size 100 with 100 values ranging from 1 to 100 and the second to get the total sum to the values in the array. With this, two program paths are created.
The answer is "print 2".
The mail command, which is also known as the return path, bounce address, as well as mfrom, and sends the back address. This command is used to set the message receiver, order RCPT. It's also composed of the message for the header, and it is the empty line of the message body, and in this command to read the second message we use the print 2 message.