can i have ur fortnite account if u hav one and dont use it :) i only say that cuz u mentioned fortnite
with the free version you can add effects (cheap effects) cut the video, crop some parts. and posting leaves a watermark until u buy money
Repair damage done to original systems
It is imperative that businesses brace up for moments or period of challenges whereby normal operation is impeded due to disruption in standard system condition. The ability of businesses to thrive and continue to deliver in these circumstances is catered for by the business continuity plan. The recovery team ensures that important processes critical to the business are restored in other to ensure that business operation isn't crippled. Once normalcy ahs been restored, the team ensures recoverabke day in the original system are taken care of. The repair of damage done is not a goal of the recovery ohase in the business continuity plan as repairsvare catered for after recovery event has been finalized.
Integer.parseInt( stringVariable );
This function is used to convert the string into integer in java .Following are the program that convert the string into integer in java .
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args) // main method
String num = "1056"; // string variable
int res = Integer.parseInt(num); //convert into integer
System.out.println(res); // display result
Therefore the correct answer is:Integer.parseInt( stringVariable );