Also, the Tiger is a brutal and fast fighter. The Tiger regularly takes on game that is far larger and stronger than the Lion and does such alone. The Lion requires the help of the pride to take out a large animal. When a Tiger fights, he fights to kill, not just to push aside someone and get better food
To describe a new specie, it has to be carefully examined in order to determinate that it doesn´t belong to an another specie already described.
Once it has been determinate the novelty of the specie, the researchers write a formal description of it, takes pictures and name it with the new scientific name. Then, the researchers refer it to a scientific magazine. The editor of the publication will comunicate the new discovery to an experts in that gender. If the experts agreed, and the publication accept the study, the specimen converts to a new specie. The process is long and could take years betwen the inicial discovery and the formal acceptation of the new specie
RNA synthesis proceed in 5' to 3' direction.
The process of formation of RNA molecule from the DNA template is known as transcription. The transcription process is necessary for the gene expression.
The process of RNA synthesis always occur in the 5' to 3' direction. The RNA polymerase moves from the 3' strand and adds the polynucleotide and RNA synthesis in 5' to 3' direction. The anti parallel nature of the nucleotide causes the RNA synthesis in 5' to 3' direction.
It is needed by all living things and every living cell to carry out life processes, such as breaking down and building up molecules, and transporting many molecules across cell membranes. The form of energy that living things need for these processes is chemical energy, and it comes from food.