epithelial tissue can be found lining body cavities, as well as your skin is an epithelial tissue
Net worth statement of Anthony
Property, Camera (present value)
Total Assets
Money owed others (Vista Travel)
Money owed others (Kelly Electronics)
Total Liabilities
Net Worth
A net worth statement also known as a balance sheet statement is way to present the standing of a business at a particular time. It is a record of the assets and the values of the assets as well as the business liabilities and other outstanding financial obligations the business is to settle.
Tracheoesophageal fistula
Tracheoesophageal fistula (TE) is
a condition in which an abnormal channel (fistula) connects the trachea to the
oesophagus. It is a birth defect and is characterized by extensive salivation
with choking, vomiting and cyanosis during feeding. When eating, food
substances move through abnormal connection and this can cause other illnesses.
From the question given above, Morgan is likely have tracheoesophageal fistula.