<h2>B) Sign of the cross</h2><h2>i.e. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.</h2><h3> Stay safe, stay healthy</h3><h3> and blessed</h3><h2>Have a blessed day !</h2><h3>Thank you</h3>
The most prominent center of the residenly
Farmers can face drougt, fame, growing too much crops
In what way was the empire of Ghana different from the later empire of Mali?
- Ghana was mostly animists, and Mali had a Muslim-following leadership.
What gave the Kingdom of Ghana a military advantage over its neighbors?
Which of the following is an accurate description of religious practices in Songhai?
- The people of Songhai practiced both traditional spiritual beliefs and Islam.
How did Mansa Musa elevate the standing of the Mali Empire in the world?
- His lavish pilgrimage to Mecca made the empire of Mali and its wealth widely known.
How did Sundiata contribute to the Mali Empire?
- He recaptured gold-producing areas of West Africa.
<h3>Correct answer choices are:</h3>
- To use quotations that enhance the position
- To include reasons and evidence from research
- To add examples that support the main idea.
The body paragraph in an argumentative essay is the one composed shortly after the beginning. The idea of the body paragraph is to create on the claim asserted in the introduction and present logical reasoning and related arguments to defend the assertion made above. This is mostly done via samples or case studies that are reported in detail in this paragraph. Such is the nature of an argumentative essay that any instance, claim or idea requires to have a logical support, for this view the use of analysis and accurate information is also presented to aid one's argument. Each paragraph in the body section concentrates on one singular point and describes it completely before moving onto the next.