Message: Gerry bought a can of milk at the store.
Receiver: Shopkeeper.
Feedback (if any): Found the product is already expired and reported it to the storekeeper.
Elements of communication are the factors or aspects on which any information is passed on from one to another. This allows the successful 'transfer' of the information and completes the cycle of transmitting information whether it be from a source to a receiver.
In the given passage, the elements of communication are as follows-
Message: Gerry bought a can of milk at the store.
Receiver: Shopkeeper.
Feedback: Found the product is already expired and reported it to the storekeeper.
I would say definitely use your time wisely. Make sure you are fully focused too. Though it may be difficult to focus, (I understand) try and find some outside resources that can help you bring interest into what you're learning in any subject.
Bekka read <em>"Someone to Love Me"</em> for her book report.
Keisha invited her friends to a pool party for her birthday.
Did she name the kitten Sunshine because of its golden fur?
I wonder if he read the book in social studies. (this one i'm not 100% sure about, mind you.)
On Monday, Ms. Smith gave us a science project.
The Amazon River is the longest river in South America.
Get me a Big Mac, would you?
Janet said wearily, "Could you help me up?"
Explanation: CDC works 24/7 to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. Whether diseases start at home or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable or preventable, human error or deliberate attack, CDC fights disease and supports communities and citizens to do the same.