A. Are is the answer because it makes the most sense
Answer:I can't tell which ones are italicized
I don't know a lot about papers but for examples, the sentence that says "Then after Lily died, he stepped over James dead body and left her traumatized son in his crib and just clutched Lily’s dead body."
The word JAMES should have an apostrophe.
"Severus Snape is not a good person and Harry really needs to rename his child. "
Instead of saying good try something like "pleasurable" or "delightful"
Emily picked up her pincushion and pulled a needle out of it, poking it into the fabric to keep it in place.
"Then doubt not Faustus but to be renowned and more frequented for this misery than heretofor the Delphian oracle" pg 9
Spoken by Cornelius. With black magic, Faustus will be so skilled that he will become famous and more sought-after for help than the renowned Oracle of Delphi.