Answer: Garbage collection has proven benefits, including fewer memory-related errors and reduced programmer effort. Garbage collection, however, trades space for time. It reclaims memory only when it is invoked: invoking it more frequently reclaims memory quickly, but incurs a significant cost; invoking it less frequently fills memory with dead objects. In contrast, explicit memory management provides prompt low cost reclamation, but at the expense of programmer effort.
Sensory Neurons and Motor Neurons. Motor neurons would make you withdraw your hand spontaneously when it touches something hot.
Other organic molecules such as fat and protein are also used as fuel in cellular respiration they just take a different pathway than glucose.
Human activity can affect the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. When fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas are burned, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere as waste.
Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up a reaction