<em>Almost most of the movements were started by the women. Women's condition was not so good during the Revolutionary period. </em>
It was important for women to stand up for their rights and spread awareness among other women. If women can't stand equal to the men then the society faces a lot of social evils. The society moves forward when the women are treated with pride and respect and given equal rights.
Can you include the different answers that relate to the question? I don't have any answer choices to go off of.
Thank you
Free African American communities during the antebellum period showed the rest of Americans that African Americans could perfectly be as prosperous, self-reliant and educated as white Americans. They provided a showcase of what educated African Americans could accomplish and demonstrated that if they were given the same means and opportunities that white Americans enjoyed, they could perfectly enjoy the same level of prosperity of educated white Americans. The emergence of an active and extremely articulate black leadership showed the rest of Americans that the only thing that separated free, educated African Americans in the 19th from their white counterparts was the color of skin. Furthermore, not only intelligent African American leaders who were born free achieved a great level of education and influence, some of the leaders of the black community had been born into slavery and after escaping had managed to educate themselves and even surpass several white Americans in terms of intellectual accomplishments. Frederick Douglass is an excellent example of this. Despite being born into slavery and remaining in this condition until the age of 16, he secretly educated himself and escaped to become one of the most powerful and eloquent orator of the abolitionist movement.
the rise of humanistic thought; the recovery of the literary and artistic heritage of ancient Greece and Rome; increased innovation and discovery; the growth of commercial enterprise;