Redan små mängder alkohol gör att du får sämre omdöme, tankeförmåga, minne och reaktionsförmåga. Du sover sämre och känslorna påverkas. Vid mycket hög och långvarig konsumtion krymper hjärnan och du kan drabbas av epileptiska anfall, demens eller andra hjärnsjukdomar.
Children are not fully developed. They are still growing and their bodies and minds and not fully ready for some injuries or challenges that face them.
Risks can accumulate over time through exposure to different things over life which is a normal part of life generally. People who do a lot of crazy things are people who are more prone to having different kinds of risks being brought upon them. If you're working as a construction, it's more likely with time that you will suffer from some sort of work-related accident than someone who works in an office all day long.
Eating breakfast helps boost metabolism because it gives you energy
Answer: Stress is somethings that happens when your overwhelmed or pressured
Explanation: Its different from anxiety because anxiety is the reaction to having stress. There can be different types of stress