First during protein synthesis, transcription occurs in the nucleus, followed by translation within ribosomes. Then, newly synthesized proteins enter endoplasmic reticulum where they undergo folding and modification. Next, within the golgi body, the proteins are tagged; after,they are finally parceled into lysosomes. Finally, they can be exported out of the cell to fulfill various functions.
Further Explanation:
The endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane system within the cytoplasm that extends from the outer nuclear membrane. Apart from increasing the surface area within the cell, this continuous system also carries out protein folding, synthesis and transport. In the endoplasmic reticulum or ER, some sections called the smooth ER, do not contain ribosomes, and may contain lipids, enzymes, and other proteins. Other sections bound to ribosomes, are called the rough Er. As a protein destined for the endomembrane system is being synthesized by a ribosome, the first amino acids in the growing polypeptide chain act as a signal sequence. That signal sequence ensures that the ribosome binds to the outer membrane of the ER and that the protein enters the ER lumen. The proteins undergo major modifications and are packed into vesicles.
Golgi bodies are flat, disk-like membranous regions. Proteins traverse the organelle by first having their vesicles bind to the cis face or receiving end. Like a post office, the golgi complex, or golgi body recognizes specific signal sequences, targets and further modifies and packages these compounds into lysosomes for delivery to their final destination. Proteins here undergo peptide processing and glycosylation
Learn more about cellular life at brainly.com/question/11259903
Learn more about mitochondria and similar structures at brainly.com/question/2855039
Synthesize new drugs expand the world’s food production.
Green revolution was started in the 1960's with the main aim to increase the food production by 60-70% to feed the increasing population. The food grains especially rice and wheat.
The green revolution can be more beneficial by applying the benefits of the genetics. The discovery of the new drug or improvement in the earlier food products or the introduction of the desired drug protein in the food can improve the health of the organisms.
Thus, the correct answer is option (C).
sorry for caps.. didnt notice it was on
Hi friend,
the answer is HYPOTONIC
The as the solvent from the cell will move from hypotonic solution(inside) to hypertonic solution(outside).
AT equilibrium the outside will be hypotonic