The poem is about a louse on Jenny's hat. While in church the speaker notices it running around on Jenny's hat and hair. She is such a proper woman, she would be horrified to know that the louse is there so he won't tell her. The last choice is the best answer.
I love to listen to jazz music, while my sister only likes pop music. And we share the same bedroom. We decided to switch off music every day; and it's working great!
the pocket watch
Boo Radley, who's always been this strange figure of legend to them, is trying to reach out to them. The knothole is Boo's sole means of communication with the outside world; it's also the only way he can reveal something of himself and his true personality to the Finch children. All the various items he leaves in the knothole provide a tantalizing glimpse into his own little world, a world that no one else has ever had the chance to see.
Answer: sand walls may be ugly ,but the protection of people and property Is more important
Odysseus put the wax in his ears like circe told him so he wouldnt listen to the sirens and also had the men tie him down