No it's not worth spending millions of dolllarsto exlore space today because it's a waste if time you could die up there and nobody would know and you would have to use an oxegen tank to get air.
I don't know the answer for the other one srry.
by giving them power and uniting their community
It's something that animals can just do. They don't have to learn them.
The Governor General is the representative of the Sovereign in Canada.
The Governor General serves as the Head of State. He is responsible for the appointment of the Prime Minister. He gives the Royal Assent to the bills passed by the legislative in behalf of the Sovereign.
The Prime Minister serves as the Head of the Government. The Governor General, prime minister, and the cabinet form the Executive Branch of Government in Canada. The Prime Minister appoints Ministers of State to assist individual Cabinet Ministers in their executive duties.
I think b would be correct not sure though