He was responsible for proposing the three laws of motions
they offered workers the opportunity to earn higher wages.
In the event that farming is the foundation of the economy, industry is the vitality. The quick improvement of capital merchandise businesses advance the development of farming, transport and correspondence. It likewise empowers the nation to deliver an assortment of customer merchandise in enormous amounts and at low expenses.
Workers were attracted to industrial cities because they offered workers the opportunity to earn higher wages.
It may affect the result of the study, having a large samples will enable the researcher have enough variations that may occur among the sample, reduction in the number of children will reduce the amount of variation the is needed in the experiment. A large sample with adequate variations help to minimize error that could occur considering small samples but when a sample is small a it doesn't consider all possible effect the result may be bias.
Reduced sample size may not be enough to represent an experimental units hence there maybe need to revisit the experiment again when adequate samples size is available. It was more time
The false statement would be B) It was invented in 1898. The voting machine was ACTUALLY invented during 1875 and it wasn't nearly perfect at the time.
Hope this helps!