1. Atmosphere and ecosystem
2. Carbon/CO2 is absorbed by the plants and then released as oxygen.
3. Carbon is used in the cellular respiration process to make ATP.
4. Decomposers break down dead material and release CO2 in that process into the atmosphere for plants to use that carbon for photosynthesis again.
The correct order would be:
1. A tree absorbs the carbon from the atmosphere into its leaves for photosynthesis;
2. A caterpillar gets the carbon by eating the tree's leaves.
3. A bird gets the carbon by eating the caterpillar.
4. The bird flies into a building and dies instantly. It falls to the ground.
5. The bird decomposes and the carbon returns to the atmosphere.
The carbon cycle is very similar to the water cycle, though it has its own unique ways. Once the carbon is released into the atmosphere, it will either be absorbed by the vegetation, or go up into the higher parts of the atmosphere. If it is absorbed by the vegetation, the organisms that eat the vegetation will get it in them. When the predators eat those organism they get the carbon into their organisms. When the predators die, they start to decompose. When they decompose, the carbon is released from them and it returns to the atmosphere, and the whole process goes all over again.
La respuesta correcta es "a. arterias, b. venas; y c. capilares".
Los vasos sanguíneos son una serie de conductos a través de los cuales el cuerpo transporta la sangre, asegurando que todas las células del cuerpo tenga acceso a oxígeno, elemento necesario para la respiración celular. Hay tres tipos de vasos sanguíneos: arterias, venas y capilares. Las arterias llevan la sangre del corazón a los órganos, las venas transportan la sangre de los órganos al corazón y los capilares son vasos muy pequeñitos que llegan a las partes más pequeñas del cuerpo.
Answer: Organic
Explanation: Organic brain syndrome, is also know as organic brain disease, refers to any syndrome or disorder of metal function whose cause is alleged to be known as orgainc or physiologic rather than purely of the mind.