- You are interacting with a person, not a computer
- The tone and intention of online posts definitely matters
- Some remarks may be misinterpreted online
I have no idea what people of other cultures capitalize to show excitement, I'm quite sure it's not an all caps type of conversation, unless they are upset
Not everyone knows how to use online etiquette skills.
There can be many approaches to psychotherapy and studying psychology in general. For example, cognitive and behavioral perspective. Here, Dr Abbot is focusing on the behavior of individuals according to their environment. They can develop normal or abnormal behavior according to the conditioning provided to them. This perspective comes under behavioral perspective. If the doctor had focused more on what the individual is thinking and feeling subconsciously rather than their actions, it would have come under cognitive perspective.
A) although protein is essential for the body. But too much of it leads to liver and heart problem. B) Well it is said that 1 glass of juice is just okay for the body. Too much vitamins is not needed. But when you take excess of juice, it causes diarrhea. C) Is totally off point. It makes no sense at all. Now here comes D) Healthy food makes us grow, think faster and keep us fit. Not eating junk food and all that stuffs. So, the answer to your question is D.