Older generations had more accurate health information, and people were more active.
Topical nasal decongestants
Nasal decongestants are vasoconstricting substances (like: naphazoline, phenoxazoline, oxymetatazoline, phenylephrine, pseudoephredine) that provide almost immediate relief to breathe. They act making the vessels contract, blood flow slows, shrinks swollen membranes, mucus production is low, and people can breathe normally again because these substances improve the air flow.
Topical nasal decongestant treat nasal congestion to relieve symptoms in colds, nasal allergic conditions, and rhinitis. However, these medications can cause health problems due to improper and excessive use, and major adverse events arising from their use.
1) I would choose white blood cells since their main job is to fight infection (Something that does not belong as a part of the body) But since their is several types of white blood cells the ones too look out for would be the Neutrophils since they kill bacteria by ingesting them.
2) It would be a Neutrophils blood cell. They are 12-14 µm diameter, and so look bigger than the surrounding red blood cells. There is a single nucleus, which is multilobed, and can have between 2 and 5 lobes.
3)You would also have to watch out for: Granulocytes – cells which contain granules which contain chemicals that are used to kill bacteria and viruses Lymphocytes- cells which attack most of the bacterial and viral infections in our bodiesMonocytes - cells which become macrophages, large cells that engulf harmful particles in our bodies.