The mongols is history's biggest land contiguous empire that grew under the leadership of Khan,and was made of nomadic people. It sprung from eastern Europe and spread all the way to the far east.
The Mongolians were an exception because they perfected the mail system,protected the silk road, and left a legacy of unified political units such as Russia and China.
Destroyed idols in Kaaba, rededicated Kaaba to Allah
Hello. You have not shown the answer options, which makes it impossible for this question to be answered accurately. However, we can affirm that a good counterclaim would be one that showed that the campaign for the female suffrage started long before the defaced penny and that it was disrespectful to disfigure the king's face in the coin, since the female suffrage also cried out for respect.
A counterclaim is an argument that wishes to combat the opposite argument, stated earlier, showing arguments that prove that the previously stated claim is incorrect and / or incomplete, not providing true facts, but proving to be questionable and contradictory.
However, Counterclaim must present facts that show that it is correct and that it is relevant to the debate in question.
Most used Nonviolent resistance (NVR)
The many advocacy groups of the 1960s led different types of protest, but most of these protests were nonviolent actions. This is a practice of attaining goals such as social change through symbolic protest, civil disobedience, economic/political noncooperation and other methods while maintaining a peaceful process. For example, Martin Luther King was a championed nonviolence leader who used a national holiday to stage peaceful protest for millions of black people against discrimination in the 1960s.
Greeks considered Delphi the center (or navel) of the world. Greeks believed the site was originally sacred and belonged to Gaea, or Mother Earth, and was guarded by Gaea's serpent child, Python. Apollo killed Python and founded his oracle there.