Acrylic is the synthetic fibre which resemble silk and wool. It is also known as artificial wool or synthetic wool.
Cytochromes:- They are iron containing hemoproteins that serve many cellular functions including energy production, steroid biosynthesis, and degradation of toxins.
Cytochromes occur in all organisms except a few obligate anaerobes. They are structurally similar among organisms. These are proteins to which one to two tetrapyrrole rings are bound. These tetrapyrroles are very similar to the chromophores of chlorophylls in plants. However, chlorophylls(in plants) contain Mg++ as the central atom in the tetrapyrrole, whereas the cytochromes(in aerobic animals) have an iron atom (Figure).
This is because human have a much larger surface area.
Small organisms have a small surface area and thus simple diffusion meets their transport requirements.
As the size of the organisms increases, its surface area to volume ratio decreases. This means it would take days for molecules to diffuse through a large animal, so humans have a circulatory system with a pump to transport materials quickly around their bodies.
Therefore due to their large size, humans require a specialized transport system.
Cellular homeostasis involves maintaining a balance of several factors that make a cell healthy and the cell membrane lets it do just that.
The cell membrane is a lipid bilayer that prevents that passage of water and ions. This lets cells to maintain a higher concentration of sodium ions out the outside of the cell.