Centerville has a population of 13000. People under the age of 18 make up 22% of the towns population.
a. of the letters the settlers wrote to relatives back in Spain.
San Antonio de Bexar was a historical fort that was built by the Spanish in what is now present-day San Antonio, Texas, US. This place became one of the earliest places of settlement in which the Spanish people came to enter into the American soil, through the process of assimilation and colonial settlement.
In<u> 1675, an expedition consisting of Fray Juan Larios, Fernando del Bosque, Fray Francisco Hidalgo, and Fray Antonio de Olivares </u>was sent by the Spanish crown to look into the possibility of establishing new settlements. It was through this expedition that led to the discovery of San Antonio. <u>Historians were able to learn about the intention of the explorers about making it a permanent settlement from the letters sent to relatives about the need to send more people to the settlement</u>.
Thus, the correct answer is option a.
Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed in the Georgia legislature and must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of both the state House and state Senate followed by ratification by a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly at the next general election which is held in the even-numbered years. The Constitution can also be amended by proposal at a constitutional convention, the calling of which must receive the support of a two-thirds majority vote by both houses of the legislature and a simple majority of state voters.
Answer: buy finished products
Individuals in households earn money
Faciors of pros from jobs related to tourism. They
spend this money in the product
market. Money is sent to the
government in the form of taxes
Financial institutions, such as banks,
receive deposits from individuals.