Say hey I am interviewing this person he or she is 16 years old she is from Colombia her favorite sport is basketball she is a shy girl or boy
to visualize the play's setting
The first paragraph of stage directions describe the play's setting. It full describes the layout of the room, including the placement of doors and windows. The furniture is explained and laid out. Also described are the wall decorations. It gives a clear picture of the setting. The other options are incorrect because we aren't introduced to any of the characters or a possible theme of the play.
They traveled to school everyday
The Canterbury Tales is a frame narrative, or a story told around another story or stories. The frame of the story opens with a gathering of people at the Tabard Inn in London who are preparing for their journey to the shrine of St. Becket in Canterbury.
It closes the end of the narrative in a smooth way. Not just abruptly.