1. Nibbles crept <u>quietly</u> across the carpet towards the open door and <u>promptly</u> sneaked through while no one was looking.
2. <u>Easily</u>, Sue edged over the ice as she talked <u>gently</u> to her dog clinging to a tree.
3. Eliot's car skidded <u>quickly</u> across the road as it went out of control and the others watched <u>silently</u>.
4. Yesterday, they <u>noisily</u> ate their dinner so they could get to the concert <u>immediately</u>.
5. The birds flew<u /> <u>slowly</u> <u /><u />towards the cliff top and sat <u>comfortably</u> on a ledge.
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1. C: she would not go to the choral concert.
Her not going to the concert caused her to fail the course and not be allowed to re-take it. The F and the inability to retake the course would be the effect.
2. False
Many events can have more than one cause and more than one effect. Effects, especially, can be high in number because one cause can set off a chain of events that affect a lot of different people.
Shrill because the noun of it is a shrill sound or cry
What effect will the prescribed drug have on my condition