being a part of a team in school, could be a lot of fun – for some people at least. let’s say that you, and two other people are put into a group so you can work together on a hard project. everything seems to be fine for the first few minutes of working on the project, then all of a sudden, the two other people start to goof off and refuse to do their part of the project. this leaves you to do all the work by yourself. one time when i went to school, i was put into a group of three. me, and two guys who were clearly best friends. all during the class period, they goofed off instead of me with the project we were all assigned. so, considering they didn’t do anything, i asked if they could bring the poster home and at least color it. the next day of school, they didn’t bring the poster back because he was hanging out with the other person in our group. because of this, we never got the project in on time. this is a disadvantage of working in groups. an advantage of working in groups is that if you and the others are dedicated to your work, you could share ideas, you can plan and manage time more, you can all have your own parts to work on which with time management, and you also develop stronger communication skills.not only that, but you can also share diverse perspectives, work on hard problems together to get the correct answer, find different ways to complete the project on time, and you can make friends at the same time. in my opinion, i prefer to work in groups if it’s a long and hard project just because it complete the project on time, and in a good and effective manner. however, if it’s just a simple paper that i have to do on a topic i know a lot about, then i prefer to work by myself just to save time and prevent any mishaps.
The helping verb. Look the def up on google that should give you an answer
A beggars dream
One day he was given a bucket of milk by a generous man. He brought the milk home and kept it beside him. He had a dream. He started his own dairy. He earned good money from his dairy. He purchased many more buffaloes and cows with his profit. Soon he was able to make a lot of money and built his own house. He was rich. He got married and got children. They played around making a noise. To make them quiet, he ran after them. He began to move his legs rapidly. In doing so, he hit the milk pot with one of his legs. The pot with milk broke. The milk was spilled all over the floor. He came to reality and realized daydream is good for nothing.
Moral: One bird in hand is better than two in the bush.